Unit 1: A new school year - Primary 4

We are at school and we have to study some subjects every day.
Which is your favourite one?
Do you like it?

Let's check out the film below:


english: inglés 
science: ciencias naturales
maths: matemáticas
art and design: plástica
geography: geografía
history: historia
music: música
drama: teatro
social science: ciencias sociales 
spanish: lengua española
religion: religión

Grammar and Speaking:

Speak, write and make sentences like these:
I have got (I've got) Art on Mondays. (Yo tengo plástica los lunes)
You have not got (You haven't got) English on Tuesdays. (Tú no tienes inglés los martes)
He/She has (He's/She's got) got Music at nine. (Él/ella tiene música a las nueve)
We have not got (We haven't got) ICT at half past eleven. (Nosotros no tenemos Tics a las once y media)

Answer these questions
Have you got PE on Thursdays? Yes, I have / No, I haven't.(¿Tienes Educación Física los jueves? Si/No)
Has she got History at quarter to twelve? Yes, she has / No, she hasn't. (¿Tiene ella historia a las doce y cuarto? Si/No)
Have we got Science today? Yes, we have / No, we haven't.(¿Tenemos ciencias hoy? Si/No)
What have we got at ten? We've got Maths.(¿Qué tenemos a las diez? Tenemos matemáticas).

What time is it? /What's the time?


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